Welcome to the Nonprofit Health Index (NHI) page, an outgrowth of the "Board Buzz" product linked below. We're glad you chose to check out this new and exciting tool! We've developed the index after years of working with nonprofits and seeing their keys to success or barriers in reaching new heights. Purchase the assessment, share it with your board! We hope it will help you and your organization assess its health and find areas for needed improvement.
After completing the assessment, you'll have the opportunity to take the sub-sector assessments linked below for more detail. Feel free to contact us if there are ways that we can help you work through some of the problem areas. We have worked with countless organizations on strategic planning, communications, board governance, fundraising, needs assessments, and marketing.
Scroll below for sub-sector assessments in Operations, Programming, Human Relations, & Finance.
Significant change in life often demands fortitude. In addition, for nonprofits, transformational change requires we dispense with platitudes and adopt new attitudes.
Every organization has a preferred future and a probable one. We like to work with organizations in developing strategies and tools that will help them reach their preferred futures, but as time passes it becomes more difficult. Today is the best time to start putting practices into place that will help change the course of your organization.
If you'd like to discuss the possibilities of working with us, please feel free to contact us with no obligation other than an initial conversation. Our contact information appears below.
strategies@etczone.com - (812) 363-2710
718 W. Main St., Greeensburg, IN 47240
Our assessments were created with Involve.me, a great customer engagement tool. If you'd like more information on their service and plans click here.
It all started with "Board Buzz," a new and fun way to get your board talking about the subjects that matter. With 52 pointed questions in the areas of Programming, Operations, Finance, and Human Resources, it makes board learning fun! Best of all, the cards can be used in multiple ways, and help break the ice, or break into groups. Perfect addition to a board retreat or to be used as conversation starters at your next meeting.
If you'd like more information, check out Board Buzz in our store linked here and get your board buzzing!